Sunday, January 24, 2010

About Me & Technology

Hello, I am Amber. I am 20 years old. This is my 3rd year here at Husson. I live in Skowhegan, Maine and I drive to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I like to play sports and do outdoor activities such as snowmobiling, four wheeling, camping, etc.

As far as my learning styles, I learn best by doing things hands on or taking notes to review. When I simply listen to professors, I do not necessarily comprehend everything. I visualized a lot of things when I am learning and that way I remember things better. I can memorize steps, or directions well.

When it comes to technology, I really do not know a lot. However, I enjoy learning how to do new things with technology. In high school, I took a computer class that showed me how to use excel, and make brochures. Unfortunately, most of the things I learned in the class have escaped my brain. I enjoyed that class and I am eager to learn more about technology and different ways I can incorporate it into the classroom. Besides taking that class in high school, I have not had much other experience with technology.

Amber Campbell